Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Cross Stitch

     A couple of years ago I went through the KonMari Method of decluttering.  I can't recommend it highly enough.  That being said, one of the results of the process is letting go of things that don't "spark joy" for you.  A lot of what wasn't sparking joy was unfinished craft or handwork projects.  I had several started but never finished cross stitch pieces that I released.  The piece pictured above is one of them.  This little jewel, even in the unfinished state still made me happy so I kept it.  The image of cottage roses in an antique, blue transferware pitcher spoke to my love of vintage and cottage décor.  So, gentle reader, I kept it.  I didn't work on it.  I left it unfinished and waiting for completion.  In an effort to add variety to my "stay busy" handwork this unfinished project is getting a chance to be all that it can be.  I'm going to finish it up, create a frame for it out of pieces left over from #WindowFramed series.  I'll share a pic once completed of course.  The ultimate completion of a project isn't the only time I get satisfaction from a piece.  Sometimes the potential, the savoring of the idea of how it will look eventually, is enough to have me keep a piece waiting.  The stored energy of creative beauty builds until we both agree its time to finish up.  Time to allow it to be what it was meant to be.  Time to fill the space it once held with more creative potential.  This patiently waiting loveliness is a battery fueling my imagination when the space around me seems dark and uninspiring.  

Be Well,


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