Is there anything better than a feather pillow? Not down, feather. The kind that is a little bit crunchy and fairly regularly pushes a quill into your sleeping cheek. The kind that you can ball up after a couple of years and form into the perfect sleeping rock. The kind that you wouldn't dream of leaving home without. The kind that always makes your bed, yours and immediately familiar. These old feather pillows were inevitably covered in navy ticking that lasted forever. Feather pillows are a weakness of mine. I rarely pass them up and horde them when found to use at a future date. You can pretty much bet that if you spot that blue ticking, its wrapped around those painfully comfortable feathers,waiting to accompany you to dreamland.
Nice shot, Kim.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit I am partial to down... not the crunchy feather- type. BUT! I do bring it w/ me wherever I go when I'm on the road... no other pillow will do!