I spent the night in the country indulging my love of the night sky. I could see the metropolis I lived in on the horizon casting its glow like a rising sun. Each small town nearby had its own small dome of electric light it sent into sky, as if it announced and protected them from intrusion. I sat in the dark, harvested field waiting for just such a meeting. I sat in deliberate darkness waiting for my world to meet deep space. I wanted to see the meteors blaze across the darkness, their brief fire frozen by my lens. As I sat there in the noisy darkness. I could hear dogs barking from miles away. Donkeys guarding their flocks, braying at predators. The light, the dogs, the donkeys and the atmosphere protecting their little bit of space from any intrusion. How did one tiny bit of comet dust stand a chance against such vigilance? Worlds aren't allowed to collide.
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